As with previous years, the second half of 2024 was focused on the SIMPDF Study Awards (SA) where we worked with schools to shortlist, select and award recipients who were in the final year of their studies across different academic/vocational levels. The SIMPDF SA aims to provide financial support and motivate deserving Singaporean students to aid them in their transition to the next season of their lives.
This year we disbursed close to $800,000 to more than 300 students. Award ceremonies were held separately for different groups of recipients with their families in attendance to affirm and celebrate their efforts and resilience. SIMPDF Board members also took the opportunity to interact with award recipients and their loved ones over the reception after the ceremonies. Click on the albums of the award ceremonies below to share in the joy of all recipients.
“There is a glorious rainbow that beckons those with the spirit of adventure. And there are rich findings at the end of that rainbow. To the young and the not too old, I say look at the horizon, find that rainbow, go ride it.’ Mr Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore’s first Prime Minister
Award Ceremony for NorthLight School recipients (27 Sep 2024)

Award Ceremony for Republic Polytechnic recipients (11 Oct 2024)

Award Ceremony for Assumption Pathway School recipients (14 Nov 2024)

Award Ceremony for Institute of Technical Education recipients (20 Nov 2024)

Award Ceremony for Singapore Institute of Technology & Singapore Institute of Management recipients (5 Dec 2024)